Suicides are rarer during the pandemic than expected

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Issue 70: 29 June 2021
Every week, HEADlines brings you the latest news, stories and commentaries
in education and healthcare. This week, get insights on the latest developments in healthcare.
Not as depressing as we thought

**Trigger warning: The following passage contains mention of suicide

Epidemics have historically been linked to mental health disorders and increased suicide rates. As the COVID-19 pandemic loomed in 2020, it is no surprise that the Australian Medical Association (AMA) had issued a warning on mental health in May last year.

One year down the road, have more people actually acted on suicidal thoughts?

The short answer is, surprisingly no

According to a study by Lancet Psychiatry, suicide figures during the pandemic were either unchanged or lower compared with the pre-pandemic period in 21 countries studied, after adjusting for seasonality and long-term trend in each country. Weighted by population, the average declines were 7% relative to expectations and 11% compared with 2019.

What is the reason behind the lack of increase in suicide rates? The Economist quoted governments' fiscal support as an instrumental factor that alleviated "a cause of stress that could, in the worst cases, lead to suicide".  

While it may be too early to conclude that the pandemic has not led to more suicides at all, two things are clear: governments' intervention and assistance are crucial in preserving the population's mental well-being; and policymakers should remain vigilant and be poised to respond should the longer-term mental health consequences of the pandemic unfold. 
Healthcare in the Spotlight
The study, which involved nearly 30,000 people in the US and Mexico, showed the shot was highly effective against COVID-19 and also protected against variants.
An antibody therapy treatment that improves the survival of patients with COVID-19 is offering renewed hope for the treatment of those most seriously ill with the disease.
Besides understanding how dementia develops and how it might be treated, there is an increased research focus on how to improve the lives of people with dementia.
A licensed acupuncturist at Cleveland Clinic explains what gua sha is and offers insights on how it helps the body heal.
Could an end to dengue fever be possible? The success from a trial in the city of Yogyakarta is paving the way for this to become a reality.
A new study found that both Europeans and Australians were highly concerned about the human health impact of marine plastic pollution, ranking it top of 16 marine-related threats in terms of cause for concern.

Photo credit: Brian Yurasits on Unsplash
Upcoming Webinar
The demand for freshwater in Southeast Asia is rising as supply is becoming more uncertain. Population growth, urbanisation rates, climate change, and COVID-19 exacerbate stress on the region's water resources.

In this second webinar of our series "In the Wake of a Changing Climate", panellists will delve deeper into the water dimension of the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus to identify where the current and future water-related challenges are, and the solutions for more effective water governance and management. 

Date  : 13 July 2021, Tuesday
Time : 1.00pm – 2.30pm (GMT +8)

Join us to learn more about the complexities and exciting progress made in managing the region's water security from our panel of global climate experts. Click here to find out more.

*This series is jointly organised with the NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions.
Register now
Source: Medical News Today

Having a headache and prefer not to pop another Panadol? Learn more about the science behind acupressure, and the pressure points on the feet that could help relieve a headache.

That's all for the week!
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